Monday, April 07, 2008

Down With Stereotypes!

Firstly let me apologise for two ranting posts in a row...the next one will be more cheerful I promise!

Now normally I enjoy these little quiz things we are often sent over email or find on the Myspace bulletin board, because they pass the time and can often be fairly amusing. But today, for some reason, it really grated on me, and I feel compelled to comment further.

According to the below quiz, I am a nerd. This apparently is because I used to wear braces (didn’t most kids/teens?) like to learn (hello, I’m a student!) enjoy spending time with my parents (well now this does puzzle me. Unless your parents are actually horrbile mean abusive people, I assumed that beyond the age of about 12 when it’s accepted that being seen with your parents is embarrassing, most people mature beyond this, and have the presence of mind to give a little of the time they’ve invested into us right back to them?) and sometimes watch the history channel (most of it is not easy watching to be honest, but who can resist Sean Bean charging across the open plains to save his country and his woman?! Sharpe gives the History Channel all its credibility back!!)

Also according to the below quiz, the fact that I like the above things means that I also should have problems talking to the opposite sex (I have an equal amount of guy and girl friends) enjoy maths (hahahahaha) not have pics of myself on Myspace (?) and never go anywhere on weekends (I spent a year of my life travelling around the world by myself, making friends with random people in hostels and visiting international friends in various places. I don’t think that I’m too scared to leave my house on weekends!)

I was also not far from being labelled as a 'slut/man-whore', simply because I sometimes enjoy a drink (one or two, doesn’t necessarily mean I’m going to sniff alcohol and down fifty pints!) I have sat on a guy’s knee (erm yes, I don’t think that sitting on someones knee should mean that I am a slut, especially when it’s my boyfriend of 3yrs!!) ...go to parties fairly often (I’m a student) and like members of the opposite sex (doesn’t that just make me not a lesbian...?!)

I won’t go on. I think you catch my drift. You can’t categorise people. What really upsets me is when I see people who own one or two of these characteristics being pressurised into adopting the rest, simply to fit in to a particular group or culture. Or worse, who feel that they have no distinctive characteristics, and so decide to adopt a whole load of personality traits that are totally alien to them, simply to fit in and feel accepted by a particular group of people.

Of course, we see this most commonly with younger-age teens, and it is just seen as normal, but over the last few years I have met people in their late teens and into their twenties still acting like the children that they were (I imagine) when they began their quest to be different, or to be the same, or to be noticed. For example, criticising the shoes other people are wearing simply because they aren't the one brand that their particular group finds acceptable, or refusing to listen to any music but their own particular genre. Which makes me wonder if expecting these stereotypes in the younger generation is just asking for trouble, if when they grow older they might by that time be so welded into a particular genre that they find it impossible to get out of?

We need to start encouraging our young people to widen their horizons. To listen to many different genres of music, to buy clothes based on what they feel comfortable and attractive in, not what they feel they are expected to wear, or have pushed themselves into feeling comfortable with. Even to try different kinds of food, to watch a variety of films and tv and not just the stuff everyone watches. To be kind and accepting of all cultures and people-groups, not to grow up with this gang mentality that can become so difficult to break free from in the future. I'm not saying that nobody will ever fall into a particular 'category'. But we should not expect it or push people into it. You should be who you are first, and what you are second. And if you aren't anything in particular, you shouldn't be made to feel like an outcast for it!

If people can’t accept you for who you are, then they aren’t worth spending time with. When they get out into the big wide world, they’ll realise that you simply can’t box people up like this.

I think that the people who create these tests should grow up, travel about a bit, meet some real people, and realise that not everyone falls into a category. I am uncategorisable and proud of it. We should all be this way, whether that means falling into particular category or not.



[ ] You like skinny jeans
[ ] You’re listening to music right now
[ ] You have painted your fingernails black before
[X] You have more than 300 songs on your ipod/mp3/itunes
[ ] Hate most girly girls
[X] Sometimes like to be alone
[ ] Dislike popular music
[ ] Keep hair in front of your face
[ ] Have given people evil stares
[ ] Hate your parents
[ ] Life sucks for you
[ ] Have been called emo
[ ] Dislike the colors pink, teal and baby blue
[ ] Complain a lot
[ ] Own a studded belt

Total: 2

[ ] Own more than 10 minishorts
[ ] Have been called a slut
[X] Like to drink
[ ] Ever wear low cut shirts
[ ] Have been called a tease
[ ] Flirt with every girl or guy!
[X] Like the opposite sex
[X] Go to parties/sleepovers at least once in a month
[ ] Own 5 tube tops
[X] Sat on the opposites lap

Total: 4

[ ] Own at least 5 jerseys
[ ] Have 5 or more trophies
[ ] Wear hair in ponytail like everyday
[ ] Love sports
[ ] Own 5 or more sweatpants (trackies)
[ ] Don’t wear makeup
[ ] Have / had played lacrosse
[ ] You Can Play more than 2 sports
[ ] Can play a sport if you’ve never played it before
[ ] You play Basketball on a team
[ ] You play rugby or football on a team
[ ] You play Football on a team
[ ] You run/ran track
[ ] Been called a jock
[ ] Have set a record
[ ] Are friends with your coach
[ ] Love watching sports
[X] Can do 15 pushups without getting tired

Total: 1

[ ] Wear your pants at your waist
[X] Have/had braces
[X] In advanced classes
[ ] On Math team
[ ] Have all A’s
[X] Like spending time with your parents
[X] Have been called a nerd/geek
[X] LOVE to learn
[X] Watch history channel
[ ] Never go anywhere on the weekends
[X] Have been called weird
[ ] Scared to talk to the opposite sex
[ ] Dont have pics of yourself on Myspace
[ ] Read a book a month
[ ] You read on your last spring break
[ ] Wear pocket protectors

Total: 7

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